One of the ways we can become more relentless in our pursuit of marginalized groups is to reach out and invite them on our faith walk. On February 7th we’ll be kicking off Becoming More Grounded. Becoming More Grounded is a small group that will root women in the love that God has for them. Some women are not able to afford the workbook and we would love to give the gift of Becoming More Grounded to these women.
I’m listing some groups below for you to pray for today. If you feel led to donate a book, you can do so on our website at https://www.becomingmore.online/groups and clicking on “Donate a Book”. Christ broke barriers showing love to the marginalized. Through that, He changed many hearts and those hearts became witness to a great God! We can give the gift of changing hearts through Christs’ love.
Family Promise - hosts families for a specified amount of time while they get back on their feet. Family promise helps women get jobs and housing.
Faithful Love – provides a place for women escaping from sex trafficking
Grace House- a recovery house for women
Author: Samantha Roy