We made it to 2022 ladies! After a whirlwind year, we can officially close the calendar on 2021 and shift our focus to what lies ahead for us. So how is the New Year looking for you right now? It probably looks a little different for each of us.
Are you the type that’s finalizing your resolutions and starting new habits and routines? Maybe you’re still reeling from a whirlwind year and you’re just grateful to have crossed the finish line. Maybe you’re feeling excited about a fresh start for the New Year, or maybe you’re still healing from 2021 after enduring rapid change, uncertainty, fear, and more.
Wherever you fall on the spectrum, know that we all have a God that loves us, sees us, and longs for us to boldly pursue and encounter Him. He is yearning for us to speak more with Him, to seek Him in more areas of our lives, and for us to be a reflection of that relationship for the sake of others. This is what becoming more bold in our pursuits and encounters with God looks like. It’s an active relationship where we can take all of our cares, anxieties, and fears to a loving Father, and boldly respond to His calling on our lives.
Whether you’re the type to pursue New Year’s resolutions or not, let’s all resolve to be more bold in our pursuit of God and the Gospel this year. Let’s lay 2022 at His feet today, and pray this prayer:
Father, I long to know You and Your ways more. Teach me to be bold in my pursuit of You. Help me ask bold questions of You. Show me the bold steps I need to take to encounter you more. Amen.