In our effort to become more giving this week, we’re going to spend some time today taking a look at what it means to become more giving with others. Remember, it’s the giving season and we’re approaching the celebration of Christ’s birth next week! It’s the perfect time to focus on thinking of others.
If you’ve been distracted by the many demands of the Christmas season and have found yourself not prioritizing others, then now is the time to do just that! There’s a long list of people that God wants to use YOU to reach out to and share His story of hope and the great news of Jesus’ birth. So, what does that practically look like? Here’s some examples to help us started:
-Calling and talking with someone who is isolated
-Inviting someone that’s alone to come spend time at your holiday gatherings
-Volunteering at a soup kitchen, shelter, or ring the bell for Salvation Army
-Purchasing gifts for those that won’t get a Christmas this year
-Settling a difference or disagreement with a family member
-Spending uninterrupted time with your kids, family, or friends
-Invite others to join you in blessing others
May we all open up our hearts a bit more and allow room for us to love those around us and invite others to experience becoming more giving with us.