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Friday, January 14th - Becoming More Passionate

Writer's picture: Becoming MoreBecoming More

We’ve been talking a lot about our passions this week. One of our core values here at Becoming More is this:

Becoming More Passionate in our pursuit of spreading the gospel.

This is why we exist. This is why God gives us breath in our lungs – to tell others about Him. 1 John 3:16 says, “By this we know love, that He laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.” Who has God recently placed in your life? How is He leading you to share your relationship with Jesus with them? How do you see Him providing opportunities to lay down your life for those around you by sharing His gospel with them?

Well, we have a perfect opportunity coming up just around the corner! On Sunday, February 6th, we are having our Becoming More Certain Kick-off at 4pm EST right here in our Facebook Group. The following week we are launching our Becoming More Certain Groups. Grab those people that God has placed in your life and invite them to journey through Becoming More Certain with you! If you aren’t ready to be the group leader, grab those friends and join an existing Becoming More Certain Group together! If you feel God nudging you and leading you to take this step, we want to encourage you to step out in faith and become more passionate about telling others about Him as we become more certain together.

Author - Gracie Martin

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