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Monday, August 2nd - Becoming More Prepared

I, Anne, love to be prepared. I wake up in the morning and start a load of laundry, take out all the ingredients for the day’s meal, and pick up my house to make sure I can come home to a clean house. I review my schedule, pack a lunch, and put on clothes I’ve set out the night before. I love to be prepared. Being prepared allows me to express some sense of control over my day – making sure I am doing everything I can to be ready for whatever the day throws at me. But I’ve discovered that being prepared can easily be an idol in my life if I’m not careful. I can be so prepared that I miss the present. I can be so prepared that I fail to be open and available for what God wants to do in my life at the last minute. I can be so prepared in my physical life that I squeeze out time for Him in my spiritual life.

This last year I’ve had a goal for myself to become less prepared to become more prepared. I’ve discovered that physical preparation is much less important than spiritual preparation. What I do to prepare for tonight’s dinner pales in comparison to what I do in the morning to prepare for the spiritual battles of the day. Whether or not I came home to a clean house was nothing compared to the importance of spending time in confession and cleaning my heart, mind, and attitudes. If the laundry piled up, it really didn’t matter as long as I was also piling up thanksgivings and adorations for my Savior. This week we’ll explore some of the lessons God has been teaching me in becoming more prepared.

As always, let’s start with God’s character and nature.

Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

God loves preparation too! He created you on purpose with a purpose and has prepared in advance for the things He created you to do. He doesn’t do things haphazardly. He is intentional and He works ahead so we can respond to Him and move toward Him as we use the gifts we have been given. God is a God of order. He puts a lot of thought into what He does. He uses His time intentionally so we will have what we need each step of the way.

Maybe, like me, you already embrace the idea of preparation as an essential part of your life. Or maybe you don’t find preparation as satisfying as I do and prefer to just let things happen as they happen. God prepared a way for you. He planned in advance for every circumstance and situation in your life. As we become more like Jesus, we are called to be preparers as well. Join me this week as we explore what that looks like. See you tomorrow.

Author: Anne Bosarge

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