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Monday, January 25th - Becoming More Relentless

Writer's picture: Becoming MoreBecoming More

Have you ever felt less than; as though you simply didn’t measure up to those around you? Have you been in a place where you feel as though you’re sinking while everyone else is seemingly rocking this thing called life? Girl, I see you and I get it.

Becoming More Relentless is one of our core values at Becoming More. We are women who aim to be relentless in our pursuit of reaching the messy and marginalized. I’d say most of us are women who have been or are messy and marginalized. We all have a mess (or a few) that we carry around with us. Perhaps your mess has been addiction - alcohol, pills, gambling, or food. Maybe your mess is being stuck in a devastating cycle of abuse; physically and/or emotionally. Your mess might be a time when you were in jail or homeless. It could be uncompleted healing or anxiety, a broken family or a burdensome past.

Please, take heart. No matter what your mess is, it doesn’t define who we are. God has that part taken care of.

Even through our own mess, it seems to be easy to pass judgment on others that we deem “less than”. We can be fluent in telling others what they need to fix, while lazily reflecting on our own situations. This week I want to challenge us to look at groups who are marginalized with Godly vision rather than worldly vision.


I know that I was created in Your image. I also know that my past does not reflect the person I am today. By Your beautiful example, You sought out the marginalized and spoke life into them. I want to seek out those in messy life situations because I know exactly what it’s like to be stuck. I want to become more like You for the sake of others. I thank You for pursuing me as I walked through my life’s biggest messes.


Author: Samantha Roy

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