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Thursday, August 13th - Becoming More Intentional (Time)

How much time do you spend listening to God? How often do you sit in silence and wait on the Lord to speak? Probably not as often as you’d like. We probably all agree that spending time in the presence of God, listening to Him, and letting His words guide our steps should be at the top of our priority list. Unfortunately, the reality for most of us is that it wiggles its way down on our priority list.

Each new season is an opportunity for reflection and reprioritization. As you’re heading into a new season this fall, see if you can find ways to help each other rearrange and focus your priorities on what really matters – your relationship with God.

Get out your calendar, planner, or whatever you use to keep track of your schedule. Glance through the upcoming days, weeks, and months – however far you have things scheduled and planned out. Our calendars and our schedules tell the story of our priorities. What is yours saying?

Think about a normal day during the week. What does your morning look like? Is it consumed with getting yourself and your kids ready, making everyone breakfast, and packing lunches? Or do you like to sleep and prefer to wake up with just enough time remaining to get ready and get to work before you’re late? What about your day? Is it non-stop with the demands of your work schedule that you barely have time to scarf down your lunch? Or are there pockets of time in your day where you find yourself scrolling through Facebook or Instagram to see what everyone else is up to? What about your evening? Is it all you can do to get everyone fed, cleaned, and ready for bed before you collapse into your bed yourself? Or do you like a leisurely evening where you go home, prop your feet up, order take out and watch Netflix?

However you pictured your day – at what point did you imagine your time with God?

We want to encourage you to begin to take steps toward reprioritizing your days, weeks and months, allowing your schedule to reveal that your relationship and time with God is what fuels your priorities and fulfills your life.

How do you keep time with God a priority? What effect does it have when you keep this regular rhythm? We’d love to hear from you in the comments so we can all encourage each other and provide examples of how we live this out in our own lives.

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