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Writer's pictureBecoming More

Thursday, December 24th - Becoming More Amazed

When is the last time you saw God do something amazing? How did you know it was God? What did you learn about Him?

Some of you might think that God hasn’t really moved in a while. You’ve been waiting on Him to do something amazing in your life, but He doesn’t seem to be showing up in the way you expect or desire. You’re looking but He’s not revealing Himself.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, God tells the nation of Israel that He is always working. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

He’s telling the nation that the ways He worked in the past are gone. He’s doing a new thing in a new way! He is working in ways you didn’t think possible and moving in areas you don’t recognize as a possibility.

Think for a moment about how this was true of the way He sent Jesus to earth! His one and only Son came to earth to pay the punishment for our sins. As if that wasn’t unusual enough (someone taking the punishment for what I’ve done wrong), He sent Jesus to a young teenage couple with no experience and no extraordinary lineage. He didn’t send His Son to be born into a family of royalty but of a normal, humble carpenter. He didn’t give Jesus all the wealth and power He deserved; He had to work hard and struggle like so many others. God did a new thing in Jesus’ birth – something completely unexpected that shocked the universe. They didn’t recognize it because they weren’t looking for it.

God continues His work today in your life. You’ve just got to see it and look for it in order to recognize it. Look in the wilderness of your unorganized life. Do you see tiny sprigs of life taking root in the midst of the chaos? Consider the times when your heart is experiencing a desert. Do you experience a renewal through the conversation with a good friend or time spent in the presence of the Father?

Open your eyes! Become more amazed at where He’s working! Tell us what you discover in the comments below!

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