“But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’” - Genesis 3:9 (NIV)
Where are you today? Imagine yourself walking through life and hearing God approach. God’s glory puts a spotlight on your brokenness and rebellion. The light illuminates the darkness in you. Consider for a moment if you’re ready to be seen or if you’re trying to hide. Identify where you are rebelling against God. Then thoughtfully consider how that rebellion leads to shame and evaluate how you attempt to hide your shame and rebellion from God.
Even when we live in rebellion against God in the attempt to “see more” for ourselves, He never loses sight of us. God provides for us in our rebellion and provides a covering for our shame. The first covering was animal skins- a sacrifice of flesh and blood to cover our shame and guilt. The second covering was Jesus- a sacrifice of flesh and blood to remove our shame and guilt.
To read the rest of the devotional, order your copy of Becoming More Certain at www.becomingmore.online.